2016-02-24 - Rainy Ramble


~10.5 miles @ ~12.4 min/mi

"Spiral rain gutters!" At dawn Kristin points out an awesomely kawaii Victorian house on Tucker Avenue near Barbee Street in McLean. "A stained-glass circular window! And such beautiful lavender columns!" We resolve to revisit in brighter light to witness more detail. Today's ramble around the local 'hood begins in drizzle. We do a lap around the McLean High School track, past a solo walker who doesn't respond to "Good morning!" greetings, perhaps because headphone volume is turned up too loud. At the Kent Gardens Elementary School a partial survey of the perimeter turns up mud but no shortcut-pathways to roads on the other side. Rain begins to fall in earnest as we finish an abridged post-run stretch.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-03-07